Anne's Blog

Tuesday, July 06, 2004


Don't you like my uncreative titles? Well I haven't blogged for a while, might as well as I sit here at work waiting for bankers to call me back. I have a feeling this loan is not going to close tomorrow at the rate these slow fucks are going. Hope it does since these people had to take the day off in order to have their loan closing. Hope it works out. I tried to talk these people into doing it Friday, but they wanted to do it tomorrow. Still have no hud, since I am still waiting on the clear to close. The holiday weekend really backed shit up at the bank. You know who cares about this shit. Work, blaaahhhh.

So anyway that Gerardo psycho managed to find my phone#. He stopped by a few days ago and left some note on my car and $20 under my mat, for dinner, whatever. My drunk ass ate nachos at Betty's, it was no dinner, I am lucky I remember being there. He didn't even have anything. I thought it was weird he stopped by, but like Molly said it's $20, you'll never see him again. Well that was fucking wrong, since I have ran into him several times in the short north, ignored him by the way. I never gave that guy my ##, I learned it was better not to give that shit out after the "stalker". So anyway, there was a message from him on the answering machine. So he managed to find our # which is listed in Molly's name. The only way to do this is to go online and put in the address to a service that you have to pay a fee to obtain the #. Well today I had our number changed to an un-published number which will be active starting tomorrow. I will just call people with this. And our # won't be showing up on anyones caller ID, and no I never called this guy. Fucking crazies. Of course it is my own dumpass fault. Someone should have better control of me next time I am that drunk. Of course I don't plan on being that drunk again for a very long time.

So Mark and I have hooked up, not to the suprise of some of you I hear.
We are getting along well and had fun together this past weekend. I am so glad Daniel is done with. He stopped by Barrister Sat. when I was working, I didn't realy talk to him since I was busy. He gave me some crazy looks, and then was gone after a while. I am afraid to be talking shit on my blog, I am afraid someone may locate it. But I did not give out the blog address to anyone who doesn't already read this, and my sign in name isn't terribly obvious.

Still waiting............ Not much more to say too much work crap on my mind.


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